Re-shaping the vine

During winter when our dear vines are sleeping and all the sap is safely resting down in the roots, we prune them. This practise removes all the branches used for the last vintage and sees us gently and very precisely cutting the plant down to the main trunk and the two permanent shoots trained in a T-shape along the lower wire.

There is quite a few ways of pruning and "training" a vine plant, but we have chosen the classical double guyot as it's called, as it's very simply the best for our terroir, grape varieties and the quality and style of wines we wish to make! 

Selecting the optimal shoots

Here, we select the optimal shoots for the coming vintage, usually three or four on each permanent shoot and six to eight in total per vine. When the sap rises again as the weather warms up, the vine generates a perfectly balanced number of new shoots in order for us to reach the optimal quality and balance for the vine and grapes.

It's a work that requires a lot of skill and our great team of dedicated workers all rely on an unbeatable combo of experience and education. 

The pruning is practically the starting point; or the base, for the new vintage and of utmost importance for both the health of the vine, the quantity of grapes and hence the quality of these. As in everything we aim for establishing the perfect balance for the plant. Just enough branches to give us an optimal amount of grapes and not too many in order to avoid stressing the plant and producing a lot of grapes, but with less flavour.