Factor bike - only the best is good enough

BiniVista has cycling as its DNA and only the best will be good enough. We have done a Cooperation with Factor Bikes which will supply BiniVista with race bikes of top quality.

LifeStyleGarden udendørs møbler - Samarbejde med ScanCome, Palma

Alle vores flotte og praktiske udendørsmøbler er leveret af LifeStyleGarden ScanCome, Palma.

Lifestyle furnishing - cooperation with Villa Wesco in Santa Maria

We want to have a cozy feeling in the cellar so that you can feel home. We are working together with Villa Wesco in Santa Maria which is one of the leading lifestyle furnishing store in Mallorca. 

Riedel vinglas - samarbejde med HJ Hansen

BiniVista har indgået partnerskab med HJ Hansen. Den danske distributør af verdens mest anerkendte vinglas producent - Østrigske Riedel!  Vi glæder os til at dele den oplevelse med vores BiniVista Family medlemmer.