As vintage 2023 is happily maturing on the vines we wanted to invite you all for a day of activities and of course; great food and wine! And most probably also some music and dancing in the afterhours!
We are therefore throwing a summer party on Saturday 29th of July, where you and your family are welcome to stop by between 2-10 p.m. First, we have 2 very cool wine glass tastings where you can learn everything about why using the correct wine glass is so important and why we always recommend a specific glass for each of our wines, and always from our amazing partner Riedel. ( The classes are similar, but with a limited number of participants, hence 2)
Food will be served between 5-7pm. You will as always also have the opportunity to get a tour of the winery, and our large terraces will be ready with our lovely wines, and also entertainment with live music and a DJ - we promise that it will be a really nice day and evening.
14-15:30 & 16:00-17:30 WINE GLASS MASTER CLASS
14-17.00: Tours
17-19.00: Serving of food
19-22.00 (? 😊 ): Entertainment
In order to be able to plan, please register here as soon as possible and no later than July 20th 2023.
The price is EUR 50/ps.
We are very much looking forward to seeing you.