Christmas gift idea – Book about the best wineries in Mallorca.

As you probably know, this year we were included in the new edition of the wine book HIP WINES MALLORCA.

Published by Peer Eriksson and Ulf Strömqvist, HIP WNES portrays their favorite wineries in Mallorca.

We are proud that Bodega BiniVista is one of the chosen ones (and this at the expense of another winery that was featured in the previous edition, but which this time had to give way to us, as they only want to have a total of 14 wineries in the book).

In addition to being a beautiful book with many lovely pictures from the island, the book also contains stories about all the well-known and skilled wineries in Mallorca, including Anima Negra, 4 Kilos, Ribas and of course our own history.

If you need a Christmas gift, you can order the book here and incl. shipping it costs DKK 275. Buy HERE


Merry Christmas