Autumn 2021

The highlight of the year and busiest time will always be the harvest period. This year, the harvest started on August 9th and thus a week later than last year. This year, we again started with our Pinot Noir grapes, then came our 4 white grape varieties and finally we continued with the remaining red grapes. Last harvest day was September 16th, when we harvested our local grape Callet. This year's harvest was therefore all in almost 14 days earlier than last year, and this despite the fact, that we harvested almost 80,000 kg. grapes this year, almost twice as much as last year.

You will receive a separate newsletter, where we get a closer look at the quality of this year's harvest, but we can already reveal that we are really satisfied, and very clearly can see that our young plants are one year older and stronger.

The team

During the year, we have put together a really skilled team - we now have 7 full-time employees who work in the fields every day taking care of our precious vines. We have a principle that only human hands and only our own employees are allowed “to touch" our plants. Only with the exception of the harvest season, where we cannot manage without a few extra hands, as the harvest is of course also done exclusively by hand.

During the summer, we have also hired a full-time oenologist, Julia, who is responsible for everything that happens inside the winery. Julia is from Germany but has lived and worked in Mallorca as an oenologist for more than 10 years. Julia's combination of experience from wine production in Mallorca and her roots in German wine culture fits really well with our philosophy and the way we want to make wine.

Visit to the vineyard

We have been really busy receiving visitors - mainly to show you, our lovely members, how far we have come. To share our knowledge and passion, which is a very important part of the BiniVista Family concept, and thus to share our DNA with you, and make you feel the same sense of ownership for BiniVista that we ourselves have.

Of course, we have also had a lot of "new" visitors who are interested in hearing about our fantastic project. During the summer, we have had more than 500 people pass by for tours, tastings and tapas, and we have now rounded more than 300 members, and currently have room for only another 50 members. When the 2021 wines are ready for next year, we can increase to approx. 500 members.

2020 red wines

In early October, the team (Marie, Julia, Jaume and Søren) met at Binivista to decide which blends this year's red wine package should contain. We agreed to make 4 different red wines, which we bottled last week (week 43), so that these are ready to ship to you members later this month.

You will receive a separate newsletter where we tell you more about the 4 red wines - so exciting!


Construction of the new winery

As you can hear, we have been really busy in general, but the construction of the new large winery has probably been the biggest task and required a lot of our focus. There are incredibly many decisions to take!  Both regarding the building technology, all the installations and the choice of machinery. In 2020, we decided that we will build one of the world's most state - of - the - art wineries, so that the framework for making wines of the best quality is optimal. This has meant that we have changed a lot in the original project plans to be able to optimise all the processes in the winery requiring additional investment in special tanks, pumps, filtration and cooling systems, regulation of oxygen and bottling plants. All this a natural consequence of our high ambitions to be able to make the world's best wines.

The winery itself is taking full shape now. The whole structure has been ready for a while, and now most of the floors are also now finished, including those in the basement, which was (as always!) very last minute, as we already 2 weeks ago started installing our new steel tanks.

The installations and piping are also being finished, and when you look at the tangle of pipes, wires and ducts, it is hard to grasp that it takes SO many of each just to produce something as simple as fermented grape juice!

Our large event terrace is also taking shape - the tiles have been laid and it is a pleasure to stand on the terraces and enjoy the view - we are called BiniVista for a reason.

The wine packages are renamed

Initially, we chose to call our wine packages the Spring and Autumn Wine Package. As this has created some confusion, we have chosen to change the name to "Batch", so that this year's 2 wine packages are called "Batch 1" (current Spring Wine Package) and "Batch 2", and next year they are called Batch 3 and 4.

Remember that you can still buy wines from Batch 1 (Spring Wine Package), and we hope that we have enough white and rosé wines for you and  do not run dry before the new wines arrive in the spring.